Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekly Updates From Our blogs List

  • J'adore Toujour Après
    ASOS Fashion Finder - Hey guys, sorry I've not really blogges these past couple of days I've been really busy as it's been my Mum's birthday and I've been catching up on some mu... 
  • Bake It!
    Very Vanilla Cupcakes With Vanilla Buttercream Roses - If you follow me on instagram you have already had a sneaky peak at these very vanilla cupcakes i baked for my twin sister. The rose buttercream swirl... 
  • One Chinese Muslimah !
    PROJECT INVITATION: MAIDA #11 ( former agnostic ) - Assalamualaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu (peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you)! My dear readers, so far the response for this project has... 
  • Islamic Cover photos
    'O Allah! Bestow Your Mercy on Muhammad P.B.U.H'. Islamic Cover Phot - Share to donate For every Share, some money will be donated to needy people. Tweet 
  • J'adore Vintage Paris
    TAG : Would You Rather Beauty Tag - #1. Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up, or nice hair and no make-up? messy hair and nice make-up #2. Would you rather shave your eyeb... 
  • My Deen Diary
    Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem - I have been so overwhelmed lately that even though I wanted to blog, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Yes i had work but that wasn't what overwhelmed me; ... 
  • Merry Muslimah
    You've Changed - Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullah he Barakatu, This is just a post that I submitted to Suhaib Webb online. Here it is: “You’ve Changed” *As a clap of thun... 
  • shewasvain
    DAS LFW - بَسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ As Salamu Alaykum For those sisters {like me} who didn't get to see the Das fashion show in London Fashion Week I f... 
  • Sweetheart Diary
    10 tactics to get traffic - If you're looking for more readers, try these 10 tactics to increase traffic to your blog: *1. Make sure that your blog design draws readers in. *Y... 
  • Miss-Peacock 
    Crazy about lomography - Hi colourlovers.... yesterday I went to cologne and suddenly at the entrance from the station there was a big field full of lomos... such a great sight... ... 
  • "Sana's Fashion Ramblings"
    Glamorous Girl - WIN INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY OF ABBAMART'S MAKEUP GOODY - Giveaway excites yeah ? One of my fellow blogger having an awesome giveaway on her blog . Easy to follow steps and fun giveaway, click Here for more info... 
  • Konception
    Picture Of The Day (POTD) - *reminder to myself first and foremost* Such a powerful reminder, Alhamdullilah. Another version of this could be "Don't let *bad* *days* make you feel l... 
  • Sisterly Yours©
  • Scattered Pearls
    The Poor Will Enter Jannah Ahead of the Rich - Muslim reports from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said *"The poor of the Muhajireen will enter Paradise forty years ahead o... 
  • Thoughts of a little women
    WR : The long awaited Wedding ! - Salaam ! I can't believe how time flies ! With the wedding festivities, relaxing for a bit more days, then getting back to university . I'm glad I finally f... 
  • Life Style of a Hijabi...
    Tweet Tweet Twitter...I have Twitter - Hey guys hope you are all well. just thought i would let you know that I've finally made a twitter so anyone who wanted to keep up to date with me and any ... 
  • Niqabi Nuances
    HOW SHOULD WE STAND UP FOR OUR PROPHET'S HONOUR - That blasphemous film insulting our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallalahun alaihi wasallam) has created a huge uproar in the Muslim world and it has left us... 
  • Scattered Thoughts
    My order in Chaos - Someone once told me, or maybe I had in my mind or read it somewhere, but this was a knowledge from someone to me - The best thing or most assuring thing i... 
  • The Girl in the Awesome Chador
    On the inside - I've kind of been floating around. Like I'm in space. It usually happens. Mostly because I have a thing for the parallel world. And because I don't have a ... 
  • Muslimah Interrupted
    Fear America - I realize I talk a lot about nothingI don’t act as much as I shouldI make a lot of excuses for myself. And still you look up to me. But I’m not who they pip... 
  • Saadia Mirza
    Wadi Namar: A Beautiful Place To Visit In Riyadh - This is another must visit place in Riyadh. It's a great place for a picnic. I recently went there for a barbecue and it was the perfect place for it. We w... 
    Note: Please confirm our blog subscription and add our badge if you have not added it yet.
    From next week we will be removing those blogs from our directory who have not confirmed our subscription or have not added badge yet.
    For more info, contact us.

    Happy Blogging! :D

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu my lovely sisters!

    I am currently looking for REVERT and "GUIDED-AGAIN" Muslims (sorry, I couldn't really find a better word lol).

    I am conducting a serious of interviews to share on my blog for dawah purposes for non-Muslims and Muslims. You will not be exposed to anybody as your real identity ( I swear by Allah, and thats a HUGE promise), you will only be known as "ANONYMOUS" (unless you request to be known).

    The reason for this project:

    I want Muslims and non-Muslims to be able to see the true beauty of Islam through personal experiences. Personally, when I read about reverts and their stories, they inspire me and even with Muslims who were once misguided, and by Allah guided again. These stories are meant to uplift, inspire, and educate each other and hopes that it will open their mind and hearts by the permission of Allah, to be guided back to this beautiful, peaceful religion, Islam.

    If you are interested, please contact me @ .

    You can set up an e-mail account as "ANONYMOUS" so I won't even have to know who you are (for those with trust issues, which I completely understand) BUT do remember, this is for the sake of Allah and the purposes of doing dawah. Since it is our duty to convey the message, even if it is by one verse from the Qur'an, it's the least we can do. Also, I know many sisters want to do dawah but don't know where to start, or how to start and here is your chance! What better way to spread Islam through personal experiences and letting the outside world connect with your journey !

    I pray that there will be at least a few sisters who are willing to help. Your story can be the one that encourages others to take shahadah! You never know.


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